Reviews for Fredonia 1 Reviews. Read More. Agree Disagree You can also use our New Interactive Map to explore places. Try Now. All rights reserved. BestPlaces Mobile App. Lowest Priced Homes. Most Expensive Listings. Postal service 4. Other sales and related occupations, including supervisors 9. Other sales and related occupations, including supervisors Preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school teachers Air pollution and air quality trends lower is better.
City: 5. City: 1. City: Average household size: This city: 2. Percentage of family households: This city: Percentage of households with unmarried partners: This city: 6. Education Gini index Inequality in education Here: 7. Number of grocery stores : 5 Here : 3. Kentucky : 2. Number of convenience stores no gas : 3 Caldwell County : 2. State : 0.
Number of convenience stores with gas : 7 Here : 5. Kentucky : 4. Number of full-service restaurants : 12 This county : 9. Kentucky : 5. Adult diabetes rate : Caldwell County : Adult obesity rate : This county : Low-income preschool obesity rate : Caldwell County : Healthy diet rate : This city: Top 10 cities in America and distance from Fredonia.
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Alerts and advice. Information on travel documents, visa applications and the cost of a visa. Contact information of embassies in America. Different types of travel insurance. Travel information. Among those working part-time, it was The age group where males are most likely to be married is Over 65, while the female age group most likely to be married is Non citizens include legal permanent residents green card holders , international students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants, and illegal immigrants.
Born in Fredonia. Of those not born in the United States, the largest percentage are from Europe. Fredonia, Kentucky Population Caldwell County. The current population of Fredonia, Kentucky is based on our projections of the latest US Census estimates.
The US Census estimates the population at The last official US Census in recorded the population at Show Sources. Race Population Percentage White Fredonia Population by Race. Show Source. Fredonia Median Age 32 Total. Fredonia Age Dependency Fredonia Sex Ratio Female Male Fredonia Population by Age. Rate of Home Ownership. Fredonia Households and Families.