Where is tom cassell from

As of August , Syndicate has 2,, followers, a little more than 4, subscribers and streams to an average of 2, viewers. From Streamers Wiki. Jump to: navigation , search. Categories : Streamers Partners. Navigation menu Personal tools Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion.

Views Read View source View history. Alternatively, call one of our dedicated matchmakers on Tom Cassell, Syndicate. Similar Influencers. Read More. This was a decision we both made together it was not one sided or forced. Casanova added that she tried to remain friends with him after the incident, but didn't want to come forward in case he tried "to come after me". Manchester-born Cassell has also been accused of abusing former girlfriend, Kaitlin Witcher, in a hotel in LA in She spoke out following Casanova's video - posting a thread of clips on Twitter about what happened when Cassell was her first boyfriend in She says that whilst in a hotel room he "wanted to do things", which she refused, and he assaulted her without consent.

Cassell says these allegations are "completely false". We never had a full sexual relationship because she made it clear that was not what she wanted and I respected that. I know she has been through some tough times in her life, and always considered her to be a good person, but these claims she has made against me are entirely wrong.

On Wednesday Twitchblackout was trending as streamers across the world asked people to avoid the site for a day. They think the streaming site can do more to recognise victims of sexual and racial abuse.


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