Learn how to talk to your friend about friendship issues here. After talking to your friend, you might consider setting some boundaries. They could be specific ones or left vague, depending on what you need. You might also ask to have a break from the friendship.
Try to make peace with the situation and know that it will be okay soon. It takes a lot of strength to stand up for yourself and approach your mate to talk about how their behaviour makes you feel.
It's not always easy to find the right place to start. Our 'What's on your mind? Get your head around the situation How do you feel and what do you want? How does it make you feel? Do you like being friends with this person? Would you just like the behaviour to stop, or would you like an apology, too?
You could try talking to a family member or trusted adult to get another perspective. Are you being respectful? For example: DO: ignore mean texts from your friend. DO: talk about friendship issues with other friends, if you need to get another opinion. Handle things when they happen It can feel pretty hard to call someone out for their behaviour. Set new boundaries After talking to your friend, you might consider setting some boundaries.
Take a break You might also ask to have a break from the friendship. What next? It just depends on how they're doing it. If it's constructive criticism then it may be normal, but if they're saying things that are hurting you instead of helping you then it's not normal and you should probably start to question whether they're your real true friends or not.
If it is in a friendly way and you know it's the way your friends are then it's okay but if they are doing it to be mean that is not okay. Real friends don't belittle you with insults and what not. Friends are supposed to make you feel better about yourself and make you feel like you can trust someone. Friendships are sometimes based on insults, inappropriate humour and what not. In any case, I cant say anybody would feel good after being insulted all the time.
You need to be vocal about how you feel about the insults. Anonymous April 16th, am. People who are close to us tend to take out their anger and frustration on us, but they only do that because I trust that person to never leave them. In some cases however they are actually being mean just to be mean.
It's either that or they don't realize that they are being mean, if that's the case tell them because a relation gets no where without communication. It is not normal. Sometimes people insult others to feel superior. Your friends aren't truly your friends if they are always insulting you. Of course every once in a while you will have fights. That is completely normal, but your friends should never ever make you feel bad or worthless. Trust me there is much better people out there.
No it is obviously not. You do not need people who puts you down. It is better to stand alone than with people who insults you. No its not normal, friends don't insult, friends should make you feel comfortable and safe. They are not your friends if they don't do that. Anonymous May 30th, am. Firstly let's analyse the sentence. This is a form of emotional reasoning, so therefore is unlikely to be completely true. It is likely that they are teasing you, and if you have low self-esteem then you may be too self-conscious for their expectations.
However if they genuinely are insulting you the test is, would you want your parents to be witnessing it , then no it is not acceptable for them to be doing that, and the best thing is to end your friendships with them. Usually, friends insult each other in a friendly way. However, if you don't like it or feel like that bothers you, just tell them you don't appreciate that. They're your friends, they will understand.
If they mean it with menace, then you should talk to them about it and maybe, distance yourself from them for a while. Real friends wont insult you. In short, no. Friends shouldn't insult you. If they are good friends they wouldn't want to make you feel bad.
However, if they are joking, they might not actually mean you any harm. Even with joking, there comes a time when the joking insults have become too much. If you are concerned about this, try talking to one of them about it. Ask them if they mean any harm to you or if they're just joking around. Tell them how it makes you feel.
I hope this helps :. Anonymous June 14th, pm. Friends sometimes trade "barbs" with each other as a form of social bonding. Take into consideration the tone, intent and frequency.
If it is constant, only directed at you, and seems to have a malicious intent, then no, it is not normal and they are not good friends. If it is casual jokes dispersed among the group then they are probably not singling you out. Anonymous July 20th, am. It depends on whether they insult each other in the same way, and if they think it's ok if you do the same to them. If so, that might just be their way of interacting. If not, they might be bullying you. Even if it is just their way of interacting, you shouldn't have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable, and if they really care about you, they'll cool it down if you ask.
Look for new people who are not toxic and really see your infinity value. Anonymous April 4th, am. No, there is a difference between sarcasm and insult. If it feels bad, or makes you unhappy, I would talk to them about it. It might just be a case of misunderstanding. However, if this is a constant issue that continues after you have asked them to stop, I would consider ending the friendship or at least changing it in some way. Anonymous April 25th, pm. Everything in balance is ideal, but when it goes beyond the surface it needs to be fixed.
But remember, stay nice and positive. Nothing is better than being nice :. Yes and no.