Watch a good movie. Kid, 11 years old May 6, Usually the scarier horror movies in my opinion get more gory, but this one had no gore at all, and still was very scary!
I'm not one to have nightmares or whatever after anything, so I'm fine but I think any horror-loving kid 11 and up could survive this. The only problem for me was that language but the scariness didn't disappoint. I'm comfortable with that kind of language but that's just me.
Overall, great movie, and if you love horror, I definitely recommend! Very scary though. I don't know why but I jumped at a lot of parts, and I usually don't, mean't for older teens. Teen, 14 years old Written by arandomguy November 5, I think this was a really good movie it was kinda scary and that's saying something because i don't scare very easily i would say people over 11 could watch this. Teen, 14 years old Written by Ophelia Jones October 30, The F-bombs were a bother though.
Kid, 10 years old September 1, Teen, 14 years old Written by stormiiclouds August 22, This movie was super scary, so just be warned, its not for people who are sensitive to horror or who get scared easily. I get scared easily and it really freaked me out. This isn't a basic horror movie, its really unique. It doesnt use cheap thrills, gore, or extreme violence. There is some minimal violence you dont see it happening , minimal swearing a couple f words , and very minimal gore and blood only at the end.
Even though this really freaked me out, it is still my favorite horror movie, and is really well done. Easily the worst movie I have ever watched Don't waste your time, this us the WORST movie I have ever seen, barely anything happens, please don't even bother, the ending is even worse than the beggining. Good Psychological Horror Really good psychological horror. You should probably wait till you're though, not just because of some of the language and things in it, but it's just kind of an unsettling movie.
It's weird to think about what happens when you go to sleep, and what if a demon was just stalking you at night and you never knew. Teen, 13 years old Written by Spidergirl9 June 20, But hey! Teen, 14 years old Written by Leachvrier May 21, Teen, 14 years old Written by XzannazX May 17, The best scene in the film's first hour is when Margot investigates and discovers a hidden door, lit only by the kind of night camerawork seen in the still above.
When you're asking yourself who is holding the camera, something about a found footage horror movie isn't working. To be fair, the final act does go enjoyably off the rails in a way that I admired. Brian Tallerico is the Editor of RogerEbert. Emily Bader as Margot. Roland Buck III. Kyli Zion as Asmodeus. Dan Lippert. Wesley Han as Jeremy. Henry Ayres-Brown. The narrow caverns and utter darkness leads to tons of great jump scares and constant tension.
After the runaway success of the first film, a sequel soon followed. The movie takes place slightly before, congruently with, and just after the first film. It's a brilliant plot device that continues to make Paranormal Activity 2 feel smart and classic. The film follows Kristi, Katie's sister, and her family. One of the most terrifying settings in the film was the house's basement. As everyone who grew up with one knows Dark, quiet, and mysterious, basements naturally envoke fear, making it the perfect new setting for the sequel.
Paranormal Activity 2 is so brilliant because it was able to equal and at times, surpass the fear level of the original film , something that isn't easy for horror sequels to do. Though not released in theaters until , Paranormal Activity actually had a two-year journey beforehand in select screenings across the country.
Beginning in , the movie premiered at a few film festivals, followed by screenings on select college campuses around America. By , online horror communities were buzzing about Paranormal Activity , calling it the scariest movie in decades. In October of that year, the film got its wide release. Shot in the found-footage style, the movie chronicled a couple's battle against a demonic haunting. What made Paranormal Activity so powerful was that the demon is never seen. Instead, the movie keeps viewers guessing, unaware of what might be behind the strange events.
Paranormal Activity has since been named one of the scariest movies of all time. He holds a deep passion for film, travel, and adventure.