Skyrim is the northern most province in Tamriel and home to the Nord race in the Elder Scrolls series. The unique High-Fantasy setting the Elder Scrolls series takes place in.
It is made up of nine different provinces with the capital Imperial province of Cyrodiil situated in the middle. The name is Elvish for 'Dawn's Beauty'.
Whiterun is the capital city of Whiterun Hold. Where did the Dragonborn come from? Is there a Magicka equivilant to Sleeping Tree Sap? Legendary Run experiences. Unmodded, no Resto glitch. Side Quest. How do I solve the puzzle in Ansilvund Excavation? How do I solve the 3 stone puzzle? How do I solve Geirmund's Hall Puzzle?!? Where can I find a soul trap weapon?
The ancient forge is said to be older than both men and Snow Elves. Jeek of the River followed a rumor he had heard from captured Snow Elves. The discovery led eventually to a settlement. Just twenty-one of the companions settled down here and they built their headquarters, Jorrvaskr. This led to the founding of a city named Whiterun. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Giant Bomb users.
This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. History The Skyforge is ancient and predates Jorrvaskr by many years. The Skyforge is also where members of the Companions are cremated when they died. However, he is not a direct member of the Companions. Eorlund can usually be found working at the Skyforge, just north of Jorrvaskr , up the stairs. He is normally seen crafting Skyforge Weapons for The Companions.
Eorlund makes weapons such as the Skyforge Dagger which can be found in the Inventory of Aela the Huntress if she is the Dragonborn's companion. As a member of the Gray-Mane family, he strongly supports the Stormcloaks. Eorlund's children are Avulstein , Thorald , and Olfina. Eorlund is married to Fralia Gray-Mane , who can be found at her market stall in the Plains District of Whiterun selling any jewelry Eorlund crafts. According to Fralia, the only topic Eorlund will talk about is the Skyforge , though she mentions that the Dragonborn might be able to get him to talk about "those dung-sniffing Battle-Borns.
After passing the trial and joining The Companions, Eorlund crafts a special Skyforge weapon of the Dragonborn's choice. He is the master trainer of Smithing in the base game, and can train up to level The Dragonborn must complete the first " Take Up Arms " quest for the Companions to receive training.
After Vilkas tests the Dragonborn's arm in the training area behind Jorrvaskr , he sends the Dragonborn to Eorlund Gray-Mane in the Skyforge to get his sword sharpened. Eorlund mentions that his wife is in grieving probably a reference to his missing son Thorald; see Missing in Action and that he needs to get back to her, he asks a favor of the Dragonborn: to bring Aela back her shield.
Completion of this task makes the Dragonborn part of the Jorrvaskr faction, and enables Eorlund Gray-Mane as a trainer. Eorlund informs the Dragonborn that the Skyforge has become "young" once again.
After Kodlak's funeral, Eorlund will ask the Dragonborn to give him the collected fragments of Wuuthrad so he can prepare them for mounting. After the conversation in the Underforge, Eorlund will appear with Wuuthrad, fully reforged, which he passes to the player. I'll need to prepare them for mounting again. Eorlund: "Who will start? Before the ancient flame We grieve. We weep. We shout. We take our leave. Members of the Circle, let us withdraw to the Underforge, to grieve our last together.
Vilkas: "The old man had one wish before he died. And he didn't get it. It's as simple as that.